༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Welcome to the MMM workstream! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

The Merch, Memes and Marketing Workstream is a collection of designers, memelords, wordsmiths and marketing magicians who support GitcoinDAO's efforts!

The MMM workstream has the goal to use Merch, Memes, and Marketing to promote Gitcoin’s mission with unique projects that generate curiosity, hype and engagement in and around our ecosystem. ****MMM is also a cross-functional group that creates synergetic effects by collaborating with other workstreams. MMM acts similar to an agency within GitcoinDAO - we are committed to delivering consistent, high-quality marketing services by incentivizing and rewarding contributors.

Getting Started

Our Values & Vibes

Onboarding Handbook

Join us on Discord!

How We Work


Design Request Process

How to Kick-Off a Project

Compensation at MMM

Who’s Who? (roles @ MMM)

📣 Community Dashboard 📣

Your source for MMM & DAO-wide updates Each week features a custom dashboard with meeting notes, important reads, relevant data and appreciations! 🥰

[MMM News]

Key Resources & Templates

📒 Content Strategy Handbook

✅ Gitcoin’s Purpose & Essential Intents

🎨 ****Gitcoin Brand Guide

📒 Project Plan Template

🤑 Payment Petition Form

📅 MMM Community Call Schedule